Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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Fish Tank Clan :: Forums :: General Forums :: Banned or Misconduct |
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Remeber me? Its Mikey B! |
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*Kill Time* |
![]() ![]() Posts: 497 |
Knight needz a chill pill. Fish Bowl which later got renamed short bus was ALL synfull. |
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3stripeninja |
![]() ![]() Posts: 471 |
hi mikey, anyone wanna play fiest the free mmorpg | ||
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Knightrider |
Meteor 2016![]() ![]() Posts: 3503 |
Mike wrote ... Knightrider. I had absolutely nothing to do with the fish bowl. Everyone keeps saying that as a defense. That was all Synfull people and yet they are excepted into your clan not only to just play on your server. Just wanted to clear that up. Also if you checked more than once you would see though FT posts were deleted because I wasnt going to deal with that. Canoe is the one that made those posts on my forums and I told him to stop and I removed them. So please don't try to use that against me as they were both out of my control. I couldn't tell synfull not to name there server Fish Bowl and I couldnt make canoe not post those threads. I could only do what I did and tell canoe to stop and deleted his posts. Thank you. You were apart of Synfull, so I don't want to hear your bullshit. Your past temper tantrum forum posts show that you express no care for anyone but yourself. Not to mention, I think you are one power hungry son of a bitch. Asking Bob to donate to his server to help only appears to me like you are trying to sucker your way into admnining and gaining as much power as you can. I have dealt with people like you in past clans before, and you're not fooling me one bit. I think Goose had pointed that out in your past "Fuck this shit, wahh, I'm a fucking crybaby" threads. He scoped you out better than I can, and your words speak for themselves. Since I do not have a say in how most things go around here, it is not up to me to decide your fate. Omega proves to show that he does not want you back, and I'm sure that Omni will be the same way. I find it extremely coincidental that you post your apology thread right after Alex resigned from FT because of personal problems. Did you think this was your gateway back? To be honest, I think Alex was a little more forgiving than Omni is. Good luck to you, I don't think it looks great on your part. |
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Mike |
![]() ![]() Posts: 8 |
Ok so I want to clear this up as well. I was indeed in synfull. This was before they had a server. I then left there clan as nothing was going on. Then im not sure how long after they decided to get things going again. This is when the whole fish bowl or whatever they called it started. And at that even if I was a part of synfull I never had admin or any such power there. So everything would have been out of my control. Also if you would please go to this site. -[link]- As you can see the post there states Evilpig Leader. Now as we all know evilpig had the same situation as me and we can clearly see he is an FT memebr now. and Im almost positive other FT members were also in synfull and still are and there clan keeps growing as well I believe as im told by some people. But that put aside... Bob was looking for a server. I was able to get him 20% off of an original price. Where did I go wrong there. I was just trying to help him out. Also with this being said I am not admin of that server but however at anytime I can gain access to the server files seeing how im the one in charge of the server. And me and bob have been friends for a long time so I would safely say no harm done there right? Why would I care if AP resigned or not to make my post. I asked what it takes to get unbanned. I am replied with omni says I should start by posting it on the forums. I do this and somehow its used against me. I just don't understand that part but wouldn't mind if you could explain to me because I actually don't even know why AP left otehr than I gues some problems with kever but was also told that wasnt the reason. So im clueless there. Finally thanks for the good luck. It may not look like its going my ay but who knows maybe Ill get the second chance I would like. |
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Ninca |
![]() ![]() Posts: 1109 |
Alright, so alot's been said about what Mikey actually did and what not. It's 5 AM and I just woke up with nothing to do, so I'll make the 'end-all' of posts. I'll start with where it starts, Mikey. The shitstorm started when you kept trying to get into FT. You bugged players and admins alike to nominate you, and you spammed forum posts hoping to get in. When you didn't get in, you were a little bitch about it. You made forum posts crying, and you lied to try and get people to sway their votes. After the first nomination failed, you made a whiny post here -[link]- While the second nomination was failing, you made this post here, forum_viewtopic.php?42514, in which you lied. You were on FTC everyday but couldn't post somehow due to being grounded? Yeah... nice try. Alright so if being whiny and disrespectful to us by lying isn't enough, you also openly recruited on FT servers (I'll post the logs below), enabled a brooding ground for people to talk shit about FT (your forums), disrespected us even further by saying things such as, Mikey B wrote ... You guys are prickish little bitches is what you are. You guys take this shit way to serious lol. Mikey B wrote ... so peace its cool or fuckoff i could care elss your choice. I guess i should add this last line . REMEMBER its just a game. Honestly i have a box to prove it. Mikey B wrote ... You all wonder why FT has sooo much drama all the time and its because of certian god damn admin you have running around. Nice job there disrespecting us (the last one is about Goose). Really appreciate it, thanks! Now, lets look at a chatlog from FTC. wrote ... L 06/28/2007 - 23:54:09: "[FT].:BuBBLe GooSe:.[9²5]<520>" say "whats with all of these FT traitors?" L 06/28/2007 - 23:54:18: "[FT].:BuBBLe GooSe:.[9²5]<520>" say "Ti is for fags" L 06/28/2007 - 23:55:07: "Ti.Mikey B<527>" say "eh fuck you" L 06/28/2007 - 23:55:08: "[FT].:BuBBLe GooSe:.[9²5]<520>" say "traitor much?" L 06/28/2007 - 23:55:29: "Ti.Mikey B<527>" say "eat ick much?" L 06/28/2007 - 23:55:33: "Ti.Mikey B<527>" say "dick" L 06/28/2007 - 23:55:39: "[FT].:BuBBLe GooSe:.[9²5]<520>" say "haha" L 06/28/2007 - 23:55:46: "[FT].:BuBBLe GooSe:.[9²5]<520>" say "get connections much?" L 06/28/2007 - 23:57:40: "[FT].:BuBBLe GooSe:.[9²5]<520>" say_team "y did you guys desert FT?" L 06/28/2007 - 23:58:22: "[FT].:BuBBLe GooSe:.[9²5]<520>" say "Ti = testicle incubators?" L 06/29/2007 - 00:00:15: "[FT].:BuBBLe GooSe:.[9²5]<520>" say "so is all of Ti made up of FTC regulars?" L 06/29/2007 - 00:00:29: "Ti.Mikey B<527>" say "of course just cuz i lvoe them sooo much" L 06/29/2007 - 00:00:54: "[FT].:BuBBLe GooSe:.[9²5]<520>" say "mikey, didnt you tell everyone to fuck off when you didnt get into FT?" L 06/29/2007 - 00:01:19: "Ti.Mikey B<527>" say "nope said to fuck off cuz your being bitches like usual" L 06/29/2007 - 00:01:28: "[FT].:BuBBLe GooSe:.[9²5]<520>" say "kinda like this?" L 06/29/2007 - 00:01:31: [MANI_ADMIN_PLUGIN] Admin [[FT].:BuBBLe GooSe:.[9²5]] [STEAM_0:0:1945145] Executed : Banned (By Admin) [Ti.Mikey B] [STEAM_0:0:11856362] banid 0 527 kick L 06/29/2007 - 00:01:31: Banid: "Ti.Mikey B<527><>" was kicked and banned "permanently" by "Console" L 06/29/2007 - 00:01:31: "Ti.Mikey B<527>" disconnected (reason "Kicked and banned") Good job, you got into a disrespect fight with an admin (Oh wait, that's a rule!) and lost. Also, let me back up my claims that you recruited openly on FT servers with a list of members that were either in FT, or FT regulars. TI SF Bob Ninca Canoe Evilpig Matador Swrd Envy Twitch Goat Goat Showoffjp Zadkiel Ktulu Swift Jesus ShLd Rollins A Lion Little Bunny Foo Foo Black Eagle Diffy That's quite the list now, isn't it? Sure does out number Synfull's list of players it had that were FT regulars. Good work on being the biggest douche bag recruiter in FT history Mikey! Wait a second, doesn't the MotD say something against recruiting? Oh wait, it does! Recruiting is not allowed on FT servers! You broke one of our toughest rules, and paid the consequences, yet you didn't know why you were banned and made this thread, forum_viewtopic.php?47102, and this post Mikey B wrote ... Ok Well idk how long its for but bubble goose jsut banned me from the FT server... You were breaking rules, and were constantly disrespectful, which is also a rule. You should've seen it coming. Now, enough with the past. Let's get to the present, I'll start with Mikey's last reply. Also if you would please go to this site. -[link] Mikey B wrote ... - As you can see the post there states Evilpig Leader. Now as we all know evilpig had the same situation as me and we can clearly see he is an FT memebr now. and Im almost positive other FT members were also in synfull and still are and there clan keeps growing as well I believe as im told by some people. Okay, sure Evilpig is the leader of Synfull. Did he openly recruit ON FT servers like you did? Here's your HLStatsX Chat History as provided by Bubble Goose in a prior thread: wrote ... "random my server im callin ou out". "i got new server". "ill send you ip". "anyone wanna play some dust2?". "go to my server". "il lsend it". "not sb". "anyone wanna go play some dust2 with me? only doig it if we can get enough people to play". "anyone wanna play some dusat2?". "yo wolf did Jesus tell you about my server?". The answer is no, Evilpig didn't do that. Also, the whole creation of the Short Bus/Fish Bowl server wasn't him, it was the douche bags in the clan, such as Swift and Swrd. Now, you say Synfull is growing again, and that's true, it is. Synfull doesn't have a server that's competitive with FT though, its just a clan right now, and they're getting a match server for scrimming. Watch out now, they're gonna steal all of our traffic and scrim on a 10 person server when they've got that many of their own members that aren't FT regulars. Also, you stated that there are other FT members in Synfull or that were in Synfull. That's actually true, I was in Synfull, however I left before they got a server because I knew the shit was going to hit the fan. Twitch and Goat were also in Synfull, but did they contribute to what Swrd and Swift did with the server, stealing traffic? No, they didn't. That's why they're respected just like Evilpig is. Don't use his situation as a reason for you to be unbanned when its completely different, because he was respectful of us. Mikey B wrote ... Why would I care if AP resigned or not to make my post. I asked what it takes to get unbanned. Why would you care? You would. He knows better than anyone else all the bull shit you started that he and the operators had to deal with. You caused him to lose sleep on many an occassion over your bull shit server and recruiting. You almost killed the clan and server he created. Also, in your prior bitchy whiny threads he was one of your staunchest opponents. That's why you would care, and do it after he's gone. Mikey B wrote ... lso if you checked more than once you would see though FT posts were deleted because I wasnt going to deal with that. Canoe is the one that made those posts on my forums and I told him to stop and I removed them. If you really did care about the "No hating FT" spam posts, then you would've temporarily banned him from the forums, or something else as a wake up call. Just telling him to stop isn't going to do anything. If you tell a robber to stop stealing your shit, is he gonna stop? Hell no, he's going to keep on doing it because he enjoys it. Canoe was the same way, he enjoyed flaming FT and wasn't going to stop simply because you requested this. Knightrider wrote ... I can remember a member who was apart of your cockhattery back in the days that we ripped out tufts of hair dealing with your douchebaggedness. I'm going to go straight out and say who he was, Canoe. He left FT after he was so poisoned with your fucking bullshit. I went to your forums a couple of times, and all I saw was "Lawl at FT, LOL LAWL AT FT!". Lawl at you for even thinking about making an unban request, Mikey B. I couldn't agree with your statement here anymore Knight. Mikey harbored a place for Canoe to make those posts about our community (which at the time he was apart of) and allowed it. Mikey B wrote ... I feel what I did was wrong but rather I felt that my sistuation was not any different than other situations that have happened around here How is your situation NOT unique? Did other players recruit in the vast majority you did which isn't comparable to any other sole player? Has anyone else harbored forums for shittalking about FT to be started? Has anyone else brainwashed their members? Has anyone else gone from being a respected regular to being the biggest douche bag in FT history? Has anyone else done everything you've done? Mikey, you're unique. Your situation is like no one elses. You take disrespect to a whole new level. Omega wrote ... First off, please cut the "live and forget, lets all be friends happy huggy" bullshit. Any of you have a sister or a girlfriend? Can I rape her? Can you forgive me? What if I did it again? And then molested your cat, and then shit in your cereal? Still forgive me? What if I waited a year?! Then could you forgive me? My point here is, sometimes it just not worth it. Quoted for truth, reread that a few times Mikey, get the point across in your head. Kill Time wrote ... For first part.. why isn't the leader of Synfull perma-banned? I don't see Swrd anywhere, neither is Swift. How about you? Kill Time wrote ... He didn't screw up, he acted like a normal person and got angry and acted like a 14 year old. Other than my second cousin that's 3 years old, I don't know anyone that acts really young, stupid, and immature when they get angry. How's that normal? Guess myself and all my friends are just freaks, huh. Kill Time wrote ... I agree with you that he did not use his head and think rationally. But dude, even though he is banned and got treated like shit right back before he still helped with the zombie server. With that said i beleive back then he was stupid Thanks, I agree with myself too. He didn't think rationally, at all. However, I'd like to change the next sentence. He got treated with more respect from us than the level he gave us. He wasn't treated like shit. He was given what he deserves, its something he brought upon himself. Also, helping with the zombie server? Boo fucking hoo, he helped Bob get it 20% cheaper, at no cost to himself, and what does Mikey get out of it? A tool to use leverage over us to be unbanned. Nice try Mikey! Zero wrote ... You say you want to help people be open-minded, but yet you have chose only one path for your decisions - Hate and anger. How open-minded is that? open-minded means you are open to all ideas, possibilities, everything. Not just one single thing. I was open minded when I went into the situation. I looked at what he did to the server, community, and operators and then looked at the benefit he would bring us (+1 regular), and the cost outweighs the benefits, so its bad economics to unban him. Cat Poop wrote ... The Fish tank is supposed to be 18+ but your behavior over the years makes everyone wonder if you are even 14 yet. take your drama elsewhere Haha Cat Poop, love that line. QFT. Matador wrote ... I just want to say, ninca you really are a piece of crap. Thanks, I already know. Matador wrote ... And also I want to say, Mikey is apologizing for his behavior and he wants to be unbanned. Hows that too much to ask? The reasoning for this was already better said by Omega. Omega wrote ... First off, please cut the "live and forget, lets all be friends happy huggy" bullshit. Any of you have a sister or a girlfriend? Can I rape her? Can you forgive me? What if I did it again? And then molested your cat, and then shit in your cereal? Still forgive me? What if I waited a year?! Then could you forgive me? My point here is, sometimes it just not worth it. Matador wrote ... The issue here is unbanning him Wrong. The issue here is Mikey WANTS to be unbanned. Since where does it say we are unbanning him? Matador wrote ... we gotta take the now as in NOW The past is pretty damn important though. You can't forget the past all the time, it comes back and rears its ugly head. Matador wrote ... So why not we all get over it, especially you ninca, you got issues you piece of trash(based on your recent posts about mikey), and move on? For one, I enjoyed your immaturity. It gave me a chuckle. Also, its not worth it. Why should we? Read my entire post and tell me that you still feel 100% that he should be unbanned. Matador wrote ... I just read yur post again ninca. You said Ti and Sf stole members from FT? well I dont see ANY SF member banned, or perma banned Calling Swift and Swrd. Anyone know where they are? Oh, THEY'RE NOT ON FTC! Nice try though. Also, Mikey did much more damaging shit to us than they did. Kill Time wrote ... Dreiz hacked.. we let go of that Matador hacked.. we let go of that Hacking's one thing, attempting to destroy a community and server is another. Kill Time wrote ... He did not go around asking people to be in it. wrote ... "random my server im callin ou out". "i got new server". "ill send you ip". "anyone wanna play some dust2?". "go to my server". "il lsend it". "not sb". "anyone wanna go play some dust2 with me? only doig it if we can get enough people to play". "anyone wanna play some dusat2?". "yo wolf did Jesus tell you about my server?". Yes, he did ask people to join his server, and that counts as recruiting. MadVillian wrote ... 1) most of the community's willing to bury the past Most of the community? No, most of the community that's publicly posted their opinion up to the point you've posted have said that. Also, there are alot of ill informed people posting, such as Shift. He doesn't know what the hell happened and is still telling us to unban Mikey. No offense to you shift, just an example. $5 wrote ... Think about the people you see get permanently banned. Now remove the hackers and TKers. The list is tiny. All that's really left is the category of "general douchebaggery" and if you were THAT much of a dick to get one of our rare behavioral permanent bans GTFO. This is really true, we don't ban people without good reason and never permaban unless its a hacker/tker/something of the sort. You didn't hack yet you're still permabanned. QFT Five. Mikey B wrote ... So I thought I would come on here today and make an apology thread to everyone here at FT that I have caused any sort of trouble what-so-ever. Although I felt that I did nothing that others in your clan have done I do feel things could have been taken control of a little differently. With that said I was just wondering if their would be any chance of me getting a second chance with all of you. This may be a lot to ask but I can assure you that everything will be fine on my end. Im not asking for you to except me into your clan but just to simple allow me to once again play of your pubic office server with everyone I have before. All I ask is for you to possible consider it and I will fully excepted whatever answer I get. Thanks for your time and once again I apologize. That is an awful apology, in my opinion. You say you're sorry, then say you shouldn't be banned (in your own opinion) because other players have done exactly what you did (false, you're unique in your douche bag ways) and then say you're a completely different person now, and won't make a mistake. That's a flat lie, history repeats itself and no one's perfect. You would fuck up again, which would only lead to more work for our LA's and Op's and also a shitstorm of drama on the forums that we don't want to repeat itself. You've tried to gain leverage over our server by creating a CAL-O scrim team based on FT members, and also tried to gain leverage over more of the community by helping Bob with the zombie server, and getting him a discount. Also, you've been sucking dick and kissing ass left and right to anyone that says you should be unbanned, look at some of his posts in this thread in regards to Glitch, Cha and Zero. This only goes to show how you're a power hungry whore. You're trying to gain power over us, and force us to unban you. All I can say is that I hope it doesn't happen. I'd also like to quote one other person, as they've said it best. Knightrider wrote ...
So, you are coming on here, to make an apology to us to let you back in after all of that? You better get the cash ready for the hotels and pucker up because you have a lot of dick sucking to do. I am certainly displeased with your past conduct, and I am sure that you have changed little to none in the past I don't give a fuck how long you have been banned from our servers. |
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NoSkill |
Sir![]() ![]() Posts: 2628 |
*Kill Time* wrote ... NoSkill wrote ... People don't change. Leave him bant. You shudda read my post then and left those ppl banned? What post and what people? I've never been involved in the unbanning of anyone AND I NEVER WILL BE! |
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NoSkill |
Sir![]() ![]() Posts: 2628 |
Also Ninca wins. Flawless victory. | ||
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O_Mega |
Inconsistant Ownage Device![]() ![]() Posts: 1058 |
Epic quote fest. I like. | ||
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Ninca |
![]() ![]() Posts: 1109 |
haha. The combination of the lack of Alex/Goose and how badly I want Mikey B banned inspired me. :]. p.s. Credit goes to Goose and Alex, in the old threads Mikey B started I used information they dug up, and represented it here because people are forgetfull. <3 |
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alcosatz |
FT Classic Op![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 1545 |
Weeee that was a fun read, ninca! ![]() |
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Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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