Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
View all posts (680)
Fish Tank Clan :: Forums :: Fish Tank Side Forums :: Philosophy |
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Dr. Ron Paul |
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alcosatz |
FT Classic Op![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 1545 |
Here is a thread to save the chatbox from too much Ron Paul talk. Consider this my gift to you. So, the good doctor is clearly on Glitch's mind, and I want to hear what he has to say. Let me go ahead and mention that I have no interest in being the rhetorical jerkoff that I was in old FT days past. Well, it wasn't THAT bad, but I definitely had a way of railroading a thread by sheer volume of garbage (that being a polite term) that I would make in single forum posts... so enough of that! Glitch: I would like for you to identify why I, as a timid Obama supporter, should be interested in Dr. Paul and show up at the Virginia GOP primary in March to support him. You are clearly disenfranchised from what the Dems are selling--tell us why! EDIT: I don't want this to be limited to Glitch only, obviously, so everyone should feel free to jump in. Edited Fri Jan 13 2012, 03:08AM |
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peacebypeice |
peacebypeice![]() ![]() Posts: 1452 |
Ty alex, now I feel as if I don't have to take a break this amazing site because of propaganda. To you sir, I tip my hat. In a very sexual but awesome way. You know. | ||
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
Alcosatz wrote ... Here is a thread to save the chatbox from too much Ron Paul talk. Consider this my gift to you. So, the good doctor is clearly on Glitch's mind, and I want to hear what he has to say. Let me go ahead and mention that I have no interest in being the rhetorical jerkoff that I was in old FT days past. Well, it wasn't THAT bad, but I definitely had a way of railroading a thread by sheer volume of garbage (that being a polite term) that I would make in single forum posts... so enough of that! Glitch: I would like for you to identify why I, as a timid Obama supporter, should be interested in Dr. Paul and show up at the Virginia GOP primary in March to support him. You are clearly disenfranchised from what the Dems are selling--tell us why! EDIT: I don't want this to be limited to Glitch only, obviously, so everyone should feel free to jump in. Thanks Alex <3 And yes, i would love other people to join in. I wanna keep this focused on current affairs. This means Middle East issues and foreign policy and discussing the term "blowback" and if you feel it holds water. Focus on the POTUS and how you feel about him. Keep this focused on the GOP campaign and everything that goes along with it. Also if you support another candidate, feel free to tell me and everyone here why you think he will be better off to run this country during this extreme time. As you all know, im for Ron Paul. I will start my PoV with two issues. Domestic/Monetary policy and then discuss foreign policy. Two parts. I'll start writing some stuff tomorrow. It's late and i gotta sleep. |
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alcosatz |
FT Classic Op![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 1545 |
Sounds good, Glitch. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. | ||
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Rusty |
FTS Server Op![]() ![]() Posts: 2682 |
Ok...I see you misunderstand me completely Glitch. I'm not a Romney supporter. I have family in unions, and he is anti-union. He is a great businessman and great at balancing a budget which he proved in the Salt Lake City Olympics and here in Massachusetts. He created a better "Obamacare" before Obama was a presidential candidate. And he allowed Massachusetts to be the first state to legalize Gay marriage. You compare him to Obama, I'd be incline to compare him more to Clinton, who you probably are a fan of. My major issue with Dr. Ron Paul is his foreign policies, aka, don't have any (this is dumbed down obviously). I'm all for leaving the Middle East be, and I think almost all the politicians running are too (because they know it'll get some extra votes), but I'm also for protecting our assets. If he thinks it'd be alright to let Saudi fight for itself when Iran is on their doorstep trying to lock down their major trade route (oil to USA), I cannot vote for him. As much as I'd love to move past fossil fuels, it's not in the cards for the next 5 years, so we need to protect our biggest importer (there is no oil in the USA anymore...and I'm against drilling one of our most beautiful states for really not that much oil). We have to invest in our future to break away from the mold we have now, and I honestly haven't heard much from Dr. Ron Paul about the future...If his education plan is as good as Obama, I could convert, but I don't see anyone investing in the future the way Obama has. Also, for a SOPA update, looks like the Obama camp might actually be against it. I hope we can expect a veto from the President if it gets to his desk (revisions pending). -[link]- |
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
Rusty wrote ... Ok...I see you misunderstand me completely Glitch. I'm not a Romney supporter. I have family in unions, and he is anti-union. He is a great businessman and great at balancing a budget which he proved in the Salt Lake City Olympics and here in Massachusetts. He created a better "Obamacare" before Obama was a presidential candidate. And he allowed Massachusetts to be the first state to legalize Gay marriage. You compare him to Obama, I'd be incline to compare him more to Clinton, who you probably are a fan of. My major issue with Dr. Ron Paul is his foreign policies, aka, don't have any (this is dumbed down obviously). I'm all for leaving the Middle East be, and I think almost all the politicians running are too (because they know it'll get some extra votes), but I'm also for protecting our assets. If he thinks it'd be alright to let Saudi fight for itself when Iran is on their doorstep trying to lock down their major trade route (oil to USA), I cannot vote for him. As much as I'd love to move past fossil fuels, it's not in the cards for the next 5 years, so we need to protect our biggest importer (there is no oil in the USA anymore...and I'm against drilling one of our most beautiful states for really not that much oil). We have to invest in our future to break away from the mold we have now, and I honestly haven't heard much from Dr. Ron Paul about the future...If his education plan is as good as Obama, I could convert, but I don't see anyone investing in the future the way Obama has. Also, for a SOPA update, looks like the Obama camp might actually be against it. I hope we can expect a veto from the President if it gets to his desk (revisions pending). First things first: SOPA is dead. That as well as PIPA. Thank God. According to CNN, the white house shot it down saying it will severely damage the infrastructure of the internet. I say, "NO FUCKING SHIT!" My roommate already downloaded a program to counter SOPA anyway lol. I also read that ThePirateBay sent out emails and letter to congressman, senators, etc... saying they already had ways to counter it and all it would do is hurt innocent users and innocent companies and halt innovation (and free advertising). Ok, for one, i used to like Clinton... you know the whole "booming era" ....until i looked at some of the things he actually did. Honestly, fuck the Monica blowjob thing. I say good for him. BJ in the oval office is something that he goes down in history for. Should he have done it? Fuck no. But nevertheless... Im not gonna get into Clinton too much (this is when i considered myself a democrat), but things he did, like contribute to the housing bubble by allowing banks to give out ridiculous loans (i forget the bill he signed that contributed to this). This was an illusory boom setting us up for disaster (and no joke, Ron Paul is seen on many videos in The House trying to warn people of this bad policy). Next, Operation Desert Fox and Operation Infinite Reach in 1998 and 99... while it may seemed like a good idea... i personally feel it contributed to 9/11. "Blowback" as one would call it. Those operations killed hundreds of civilian men, women, and children, in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Bin Laden referenced these civilian deaths in tapes AFTER 9/11 saying no two acts were all that much different. The guy who set the bomb up in the North Tower parking garage in 1993, Ramzi Yousef, sent warnings to the NYC Newspapers asking for 3 things. Now, obviously it was at the time most likely impossible to come up with these demands, and these plans to blow up the tower were already set to take place. But one must look further back before this event. These demands were for reasons... the same reasons why we will ALWAYS have future attacks against us. They asked us to end US foreign aid to Israel, end diplomatic relations, and to get off the promise land. Then they warned they will keep attacking the WTC. This is why i don't like Clinton. Things could have been handled better in my opinion. About Romney, i have no doubt he is a great business man. I see it. Bain capital is a success and he promotes capitalism with his accomplishments. But he did support many of the things Obama has done which only contributed to the problems at hand. I am speaking about specifically Obamacare which is unconstituional, raises taxes on everyone else, and forces people to buy insurance. If Romney wants to do that to his state then by all means. It's THEIR right to do so. Im all for it. But Romney has changed his mind on just about every topic i know so im not sure what your actually gonna get from him. See ( -[link]- granted it's a pro-Paul video but.. video is video.. Romney saying one thing then saying another). That is why i think Obama and Romney are a lot closer than you think. Romney's voting record is so unstable it's scary. Personally, i dont like to gamble. Obama did the same thing in 08. Promised one thing and didn't do another. Promised to fix the economy or try to fix it... then he only adds to the problem. Promises to get out of the wars... then throws in more troops..... etc... Romney is pro NDAA and PATRIOT Act... so is Obama. And as far as im concerned.. ive read a few testimonials (although i wont lie, i dont know exactly how credible they are) saying that health care in Mass actually decreased in quality since Romneycare went through. ANd judging how the free market works, im inclined to side with the testimonials. Definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. The man has no solid plan to fix what is going on. By the time he balances the budget, we will hit $24 trillion in debt. And that is through several House of Rep changes and elections and another presidential bid. Anything could happen during that time and the torch of debt will be passed along again. Only a matter of time. #1 Problem in America: Money Im sure we can all agree. Money is power. Money is the backbone of everything. Once a person understands how a free market works, how capitalism works, and how spending works, then things become much clearer. This problem we are having does go back really far. Goes back to 1913 (im sure you know what i mean). But before i get into that i have to make one thing clear. Strong military needs money. Without money, economy goes bust and so does the military (Soviet Union as an example... it's how we won the Cold War). People argue that wars create money and brings us out of debt. While this may be true in the olden days.. it's not so much anymore. We have been at war for years. WW2 was the exception (kinda) because we Americans hand built many of the things that machines build today. The defense factories in Buffalo NY have since long been closed down. Since 2001 we have been at war. Still are and prolly still gonna be. $1 trillion dollars every year is spent on the military. Im sorry, but we spend $2 trillion every year (or close to it) of money we do not have. In order to get this money, we need to print it (Federal Reserve). As you know, printing fiat money devalues the currency (and we arent even tied to gold anymore). Price index goes up and consumers get fucked. Everything goes up. Inflation is horrible. Gas will go up too because, yes, more money is needed to buy the same amount of gas. We are getting relatively the same amount of gas we have always gotten (for the most part) yet it is sky rocketing in price... just like everything else. Yea the price sways based on catastrophe's because the company's base their prices on military tension as well as EPA pressure. It's all a scam. Economics 101... People need less gas (efficient cars), raise price to make up for loss in profit. Now add all this shit together. Our government programs are so bloated its ridiculous. The other 800 or so billion dollars is spent on the rest of the "nanny-state" programs. And they all failed. Our debt just eclipsed our national GDP. The last time that happened was during the Great Depression. We are facing a currency crisis. If it is not solved within the next couple years... we may be looking like Iceland (google their recent revolution). People think this cannot happen because we are the great United States of America. This is false. We are spread waaaaaaaaay too thin and our currency is failing. This has Rome and Soviet Union written all over it. Many nations have collapsed along with it's currency. Christ i could go on forever. I should save this for a future essay or something. Before i mention Dr. Paul's plan. Check out his voting record. Spot on. Always stood by his word. 30 year perfect track record. He truly is a man of principle. Ok, Paul's plan. Cut 5 federal departments year 1. Shave $1 trillion off the deficit. Bring most of our troops home and set up bases here. They spend their money here and not in the 130+ other countries around the world. Boost national defense and cut all foreign aid and nation building. Currently tax dollars are going to Military Contractors who are making a fortune rebuilding nations we blew up... while our streets and bridges fall apart. Balance the budget in 3 years. Voila... no more over spending. Liquidate the debt and rid the market of all the mal-investments. Bailing out companies is horrible. They took risks and made mistakes. Such is life in the free market of wonderful capitalism. This is a self check and balance on the company to keep quality up and innovate. Paul is not totally against unions. Personally, i think they are a necessary evil. And once we balance the budget and lower corporate tax rates... im sure you will see unions abuse their power less and less. Understand how basic market principles work. For example... our Department of Education. $1 trillion+ of our national debt is student loans. In the last 25 years our tuition has risen 600%. Inflation coupled with easy student loans and grants = disaster. And the Department of Education is proof of that. It hasnt work. Prices went up and quality went down. Students are promised jobs, get none for many reasons (and it will get worse), have this debt they cant pay. School is a business. If i ran a school, and i knew that students would be attending no matter what price (for the most part) because they will easily get loans and grants... then im gonna raise tuition because i know ill get the money. Now in part, some of this tuition increase is directly related to teacher wages and property taxes and staff and engineers and security. Their wages go up because of unions but also mainly because their cost of living is increasing due to the #1 major problem i mentioned earlier (printing of fiat money by Fed). They NEED more money. You dont see majority of teachers living great lives. Now take away that option. Students need to work for their college. Students cannot get loans and grants more easily. Students strive for better grades for scholarships (and more will become available int he private sector... always does). Schools HAVE to lower prices otherwise they wont get diddly fucking squat in tuition money if majority of kids cannot afford it. This always centers around the Federal Reserve and the deficit spending/fractional reserve spending. It's 530am for me. I'll finish this up tomorrow or in a day or two. I'll finish monetary policy and then move onto foreign policy. Edited Tue Jan 17 2012, 10:42AM |
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b4ndito |
b4ndito![]() ![]() Posts: 3385 |
So, how about the deals my Redlegs are making? | ||
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b4ndito |
b4ndito![]() ![]() Posts: 3385 |
Okay, so this is what you should all read. It's smart and funny. -[link]- Oh, and two things. I was being completely ironic. This guy is a blowhard. TL;DR version: "You like Ron Paul? Well, why don't you just vote for David Duke, you racist mother ****er!" Edited Wed Jan 18 2012, 04:51AM |
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b4ndito |
b4ndito![]() ![]() Posts: 3385 |
Oh and things like SOPA and PIPA would never exist under a libertarian philosophy. Or at least that's what my brother said on Facebook. I usually agree with him so I decided to restate it for you all. | ||
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
That article was hysterical, full of extreme opinion and false facts. But overall a very good laugh. And Paul isnt a racist. Quick rundown of why not: Just to clarify... the "racist newspapers" argument has been debunked over and over and over. Not only did Paul say he did not write them and apologized for letting them slip through... but the media blasted Paul with it without actually digging. The letters were written by a few other people working under Paul (who at the time was found to be buddy buddy with Newt Gingrich)... while Paul was out of politics and providing FREE MEDICAL SERVICES to black people who couldnt afford certain procedures. The bylines were missing from all these articles and no author mentioned. Until one was uncovered. Author was James B. Powell. Paul has a history of fighting for equal rights for everyone and has voted several times for recognition of the accomplishment blacks have made since the days of slavery. I can debunk every issue against Paul. And yes Bandito, SOPA and PIPA would never exist under libertarian philosophy... which is why Ron Paul voted no on them, spoke out against them, and took a break today from South Carolina campaigning to fly to D.C. and vote against the debt ceiling raise of $1.2 Trillion and vote in support of REPEALING the NDAA section that states the executive branch can detain american citizens indefinitely without proof or trial (habeus corpus). I will continue my pro-Paul essay in a few days. My winter class is killing me on assignments. Edited Wed Jan 18 2012, 08:21PM |
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Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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