Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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Fish Tank Clan :: Forums :: General Forums :: Schooling Fish |
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Life before and after |
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Maddogme |
![]() ![]() Posts: 1776 |
I miss you guys. What I'm trying to get at here is. Where were you, old how were you and what were you doing at the time you started to play in and or around fishtank's mouth. I was probably 14-15, jerking off a lot, and playing gaymes all fucking day. Freshmen/Sophomore in high school. No job, doing absolutely nothing all day. 21 now. Working full time at Zumiez, playing Heroes of Newerth most of my time, fuck school still to this day. what have you guys been up to? |
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emerican |
![]() ![]() Posts: 3146 |
I was in 8th grade, I think I was 13? Jesus. Would come home from school and play all night, wash rinse and repeat. Ended up falling in love with computers, taught myself a shit ton (and learned a lot thanks to you guys) and am now turning it into a career. Senior year in college, just turned 21, 30+ hours a week working at a grocery store and a small pc repair business on the side. I only ever really play NHL anymore when it comes to gaming, although I have been putting a ton of time lately into GTA. Miss the hell out of you guys. | ||
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b4ndito |
b4ndito![]() ![]() Posts: 3385 |
Yeah there is a dark void in my heart that used to be filled with all the spooges of Fish Tank. I was 18 when I started playing FTC. Happened upon it while killing time in my first apartment. Christ it's been 6 years I've known all of you. That's a weird thought. I've been through a lot since then. I'm in a transitional period I guess. At 23 I started seeing a shrink and really put my life in order. Honestly, I'm truly happy for the first time in my adult life. Stopped seeing the shrink about 8 months ago, decided I wanted to focus all my life on being a writer. I switched my major after spending 5 years in school to be a teacher, and now I cannot afford to go back. I've been living at home and looking for a good job with tuition reimbursement but pickings have been pretty slim. I need to put more effort into it. I've been daydreaming regularly about an apartment. Between student loans and two shitty jobs, I don't have the funds for one right now. It's kinda that first hurdle to get over, and I know I'll be over it soon. Maybe I'll be able to get something published and a fair portion of money will flow magically in (unlikely!). To be fair, I need to put more effort into my writing. It's so easy to get distracted anymore. I've thought a lot of moving away, still. As much as I love the Queen City, it doesn't do me good. My best friend up and moved to NYC back in July and is trying to set himself up there; he has a Civil Engineering degree that he's throwing away in favor of a deli job selling hummus. Sounds pretty much what I want to do in life. Maybe I'll join him. The East Coast has always played a siren song to me. |
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Knightrider |
Meteor 2016![]() ![]() Posts: 3503 |
Well, I believe I was either 15 or 16 when I started playing here. I think I had sex with bibles regularly, thought my beliefs were the shit, and got into religious battles all of the time. Was pretty narcissistic and sociopathic, kind of still am, but I know how to keep my narcissism under control on these here forums. I believe I started playing under "Venom" and then shortly after changed my name to "Nightrider" minus the 'K' (which means a white chick who rides a gigantic black cock. -facepalm-) Anyways, I have always loved computers and that's what I did with my life. Went to school for IT, and that's what I do now. Worked at Comcast for 8 months, what a miserable, shit-head filled company. I mean literally, that company is dirtbags from the top down. 14/hr wasn't enough money to pay for that bullshit even if I got BJs under my desk during work. Right now, I'm in the process of finding an apartment and moving out. I live with my fiance, her father, and daughter. I hate it, moreso living with her father. He's a useless dicktwat, doesn't have a real job, sleeps 12-15 hours a day, and is incredibly self-centered. If he died, I might masturbate on his dead body and regularly piss on his grave. That's how much I hate him. Anyways, I don't plan to get married for at least another 3-4 years, and my biggest goal in life is to move to Colorado, most likely Denver. Bandito, the east coast sucks massive cock compared to the west. Whatever you do, do not move there. You're only going to escape to the same exact problems you have where you live now. The further east you move, the worse it gets. You'll be surrounded by shitty NY fans who jump ship from the Jets to the Giants regularly, have a worthless baseball team (Mets) a bunch of overpaid steroid-juiced cockfags with herpes (Yankees), and NU is a shitball state that's your neighbor. Places like Seattle (great city for writing), Denver, Salt Lake City, etc., are just way better than anything that is over here. In my travels this year to the west coast, I realized that nothing over here compares. Anyways, I miss you all like crazy, and wish there was a way we could gather again somehow. I still play in that FnG office server when I need my fix, so if any of you need the IP and want to hop on let me know. Also I play lots of League and I'm at God status. |
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Rusty |
FTS Server Op![]() ![]() Posts: 2682 |
Let's see....I was 17-18 and a senior in high school. By the point I found FTS, I was already surfing for about 6 months, but my favorite server had shut down. Amazingly, I ran into a few Fishtankers there, I believe Greg (angry) and Kevin (KD) both played there, but I was closest to Ping Pong, who I followed one day into FTS. I ended hanging around for a few months, missed all the tryouts (since we held them in a locked server, which was so much fun!) and eventually got invited to "tryout" though I'm pretty sure I was just being invited to join and my horrible playing was a formality. Thanks to the guys like KD, Ping Pong, Navy, rez, etc etc (I forgot so many of their names!) Now, I'm happily dropped out of college (sarcasm), without a full time job working as much as I can as a freelancer. I live check to check and some days I can't afford food, but one day without eating is pretty easy! I've hit a pretty dark place in my life right now, after applying to over 200 jobs, and usually not even hearing back (thanks to the lack of degree mostly). 1+ years of not even being rejected has caused borderline depression, but I got my friends and my dog to compensate for the lack of vibrancy in my life. Back in the day when I was in a shit mood, I'd hop on surf. I miss those days. But now I mainly play console because of the social multiplayer aspect (playing in the same room with a friend). I usually play either Borderlands 2 or Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (my favorite fighting game I've ever played and I don't even like Naruto!). Anyone on PSN can add me: Rustyo486 |
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
Shit where do I begin... Ive been with the tank a very long time. Very. Like i think 7-8 years kinda long. I think it was back in either 2004, 2005, or 2006 i got nominated to be a part of this wonderful cesspool of orgasmic gay fun. I forget the exact date...i know it was around the time i started dating my ex-gf. My profile says 2006 but i think some dates got screwed up a long time ago on this site as i originally joined on the 24th of October and pretty sure it was much earlier than 2006. At the time my relationship with that girlfriend of mine was still in its infancy (you know... the one in all the pics on this sites gallery). The girl i almost married after 7 years. Man them were the days. I was just graduating high school at 16-17 (ill be 26 in less than two months) and i didnt give a rats ass about school. Went to college anyway but that was a trip in and of itself. At the time i started here i was having lots of great sex, i was in love, had zero fucking responsibility, my own studio apartment in the basement of my parents house, a part time job which enabled me to buy more games and condoms and go out and have fun...and alcohol of course. I stumbled upon the office one day randomly. Office was always my favorite map. I was a late night kinda thing. Server was poppin until the wee hours in the morning. Everyone was mad cool and bullshitting on the mic. Everyone was drunk all the time too. Nobody ever came on to just play the game..people came on to just simply hang out with each other. I was told there was a forum for this clan and it was a social clan that anyone could join. Previously all the clans i would join were just skilled clans and i didnt want any of that anymore. I just wanted a place where i could spend a couple hours at the end of every day and bullshit with people and laugh my ass off. I put in the hours and made the team. Then i helped contribute to the community with things like ZOMBIES and the n0 Fear clan. I even learned how to surf and get my ass kicked at it. Then came CAL. With the A Team and good old B Teamz. Fucking Jenny Love. Man that was so much fun. Hell i even remember having two office servers because the wait time to get into the Tank was getting too long lol. Well, 8 years and lots of anal sex later (literally), here i am. After 7 years of college on and off i finally graduated with a bachelors degree and I currently have 160 college credits. I tried my hand at being a volunteer firefighter too. It was cool, but not for me. Currently have $8K in credit card debt and i just got approved for a $10,000 loan so i can pay off the credit cards and pay a much smaller interest rate. I close on it the 24th. I work for TD Bank right now as a teller. So i fucking count money all day. I actually really like it and I am currently working on moving up the corporate ladder. Lots of money to be made in this industry. My current head teller which i developed a thing for (and who looks a lot like Zooey Deschanel) is training me for her job so i can move up in the express lane. By 2015 i wanna be at least an assistant manager in a bank. They make like $60K a year starting. I know managers make $90K....(i know my manager does). I am still single and i fucking love it. Although, from time to time i do miss being in love. You guys know me and my sensitive side. That will come in due time. I still need to work on me though. Listen... for everyone wanting to play again with each other...i know i sound like a broken record when i tried that with BF3 and CS:GO (although CS:GO worked for a little bit)... we have a game coming out next year which i think could help keep many of us together. I am sure you have all heard of it. Destiny. I really want a PS4 for many reasons but i think most of my friends are all getting Xbox One's because they are faggot fanbois. I would end up getting one because of that reason unfortunately...i wanna play that game with them all. (Unless of course that game comes out for PC then most of them i convinced to go PC). We could all give that a shot. Not necessarily make it a forum thing and bring back the good old days, but keep some of us together on a more casual level. It could work. Love you guys. Edited Wed Oct 23 2013, 01:14AM |
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Amped |
Hi![]() ![]() Posts: 888 |
I was... 15 maybe? 14? 13? 8th or 9th grade I think. [Edit] According to the date I joined, I was actually about 16, so 10th or 11th grade. Now I have a degree in Electrical Science/Engineering from MIT, I'm a certified secondary school teacher, and I currently teach Physics to 11th and 12th graders at a suburban High School about 15 miles North of Boston. Also, hi everyone, figured I'd stop by. Edited Fri Oct 25 2013, 05:08PM |
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Glas4d |
![]() ![]() Posts: 1717 |
Amped wrote ... I was... 15 maybe? 14? 13? 8th or 9th grade I think. [Edit] According to the date I joined, I was actually about 16, so 10th or 11th grade. Now I have a degree in Electrical Science/Engineering from MIT, I'm a certified secondary school teacher, and I currently teach Physics to 11th and 12th graders at a suburban High School about 15 miles North of Boston. Also, hi everyone, figured I'd stop by. If I was your student I would expect to get molested. |
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Rusty |
FTS Server Op![]() ![]() Posts: 2682 |
Amped wrote ... I was... 15 maybe? 14? 13? 8th or 9th grade I think. [Edit] According to the date I joined, I was actually about 16, so 10th or 11th grade. Now I have a degree in Electrical Science/Engineering from MIT, I'm a certified secondary school teacher, and I currently teach Physics to 11th and 12th graders at a suburban High School about 15 miles North of Boston. Also, hi everyone, figured I'd stop by. So you're close to me? You should come smoke/have a beer with me. |
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Kcow |
![]() ![]() Posts: 1921 |
joined after buddha when I was like 14 in 8th grade. graduated high school and went to CC for 3 years. now I am in my first year at pharmacy school which is hard as shit, and I work as a pharmacy tech at a grocery store. hopefully will become a legal drug dealer at some point | ||
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Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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