Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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Fish Tank Clan :: Forums :: General Forums :: Server: Fish Tank Surf |
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Fish Tank Surf Admin Applications!!! |
Moderator(s): kremit, kd., .4ngryToasters, Rusty, nostie, Noname|Boom, Amped, Knightrider, scope_uk, gLiTch, Buddha, mdogg1108, JapJap
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nostie |
![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 3167 |
If you are a current admin on surf, this does not guarantee that you will be admin on the new surf server. This is the thread where you, in one reply, present your case on why you should be a Fish Tank Surf Admin. Please reply with: Name(yes, real name): Handle: Time spent on FTS: Time spent with FT: Time in F7L5: Were you an admin in the last FTS?: Have you donated towards the new FTS?: What level do you think you deserve?(1-4, God, Operator): Reason why we should trust you: Other info about you that you think we should know: Your Steam ID(you can find this on pstats): Note: you do NOT have to have FT, or F7L5 experience to apply, but it is doubtful you will be persuasive enough to get admin without this experience. woodman[bleek wrote ... ] P.S. Why are we doing this? Just transfer the old admins from Surf to the new one. Saves a bunch of trouble. I'd like to know my admins on a first name basis. I'd also like to know how long my admins have been with FT, the surf clan, etc... I am planning on weeding through the old admins, but I do not currently have an admin list. also: if admins are not very active on the forums, and therefore they don't see this, they may be cut... forum activity is important. Name(yes, real name): Dave Handle: Nostie Time spent on FTS: 135 hours (this year) Time spent with FT: about 2 years Time in F7L5: about a year or so Were you an admin in the last FTS?: yes Have you donated towards the new FTS?: no What level do you think you deserve?(1-4, God, Operator): Where I'm most valuable to Surf and FT Reason why we should trust you: I'm Honest, I'll try to make decisions for the clan, and not myself. Other info about you that you think we should know: I once farted so loud, i bled out of my anus. Your Steam ID(you can find this on pstats): STEAM_0:1:6039005 Another Note: please keep in mind spam/conversation will be deleted from this thread, this is for applicants only please! Please do not take "Nostie's Note"s too personally. I'm trying to include as much information as is necessary... I am trying to include complaints lodged by F7 members in these, so don't expect all of the comments to be compliments. Pyro's Note: I like pie. kevin's Note: I like the color pink Emerican's note: Im weird. Edited Tue Jan 23 2007, 09:44PM |
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kd. |
♥ (✿◠‿◠) ♥![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 3128 |
EXAMPLE) Name(yes, real name): Kevin Handle: [FTc][Like, Kddude!][f7l5] Time spent on FTS: 134:16:47 hours on FTS (+ 400 from last year) Time spent with FT: 2.5 years with FT servers Time in F7L5: 2 years in F7L5 Were you an admin in the last FTS?: Yes, i was admin in the last FTS server. Have you donated towards the new FTS?: No What level do you think you deserve?(1-4, God, Operator): Lvl _ Reason why we should trust you: I've been here for 2 years, and I know all the rules by heart. Other info about you that you think we should know: I've had buttsecks with every F7L5 member at least once, and every almost ever FT member. STEAM_0:0:3787769 Nostie's Note: Thanks for setting up the example, KD. With your record I don't think that I can turn you down from an Admin position. You control yourself very well, and you're fun to play with. You're very valuable to both FT, and the surf clan. P.S. The buttsecks was great. Position in the new FTS: Co-Operator Edited Wed Jan 24 2007, 07:30PM |
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emerican |
![]() ![]() Posts: 3146 |
Name: Ben Brown Handle: [FTc] emerican {F7L5} Time spent on FTS: At least 500 hours Time spent with FT: year and a half Time in F7: year and a half Admin in last F7?: For the last few months level one until christmas break when i became main op Have you donated?: I want to but i have no money online. What level do you deserve?: In my opinion i deserve at least level 2, based on my knoweldge of the clan/commands and the fact that i know who is who and i know how to run a server incase my service is needed. Why i should be trusted: I have plenty of time to get online, i know how things are run around here, and i know the rules by heart. Other info: My 2 hardest classes are being dropped after next week and being replaced with gym and tech 101 (2 of the easiest classes) so i wont be grounded so much and i can get online. STEAM_0:0:6641453 Nostie's Note: Emer you've been an asset to FTS and the FT clan (including site) for a very long time. This will be taken into account when your position for the server is being chosen. P.S. Kremit's been taking a liking to you ;D Position in the new FTS: Co-Operator Emerican's note: Thank god for that. Otherwise we'd have a 3 idiots productions myspace page (FYI i absolutely hate myspace-myspace ftl) Edited Wed Jan 24 2007, 07:31PM |
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kevin |
AKA cupcake![]() ![]() Posts: 858 |
Name:Kevin Handle:[FT]kevin{f7l5} Time spent on FTS: according to pstats -119:45:02 Time spent with FT: 5 months Time in F7L5: 5 months have you donated?: yes 50 to the old and 50 to the new. Were you an admin in the last FTS?: yes What level do you think you deserve?(1-4, God, Operator): Operator Reason why we should trust you: because I dont give a fuck what level admin I have Other: I enjoy giving people genital herpes STEAM_0:1:6820025 Nostie's Note: You've given tremendous donations to Fish Tank Surf, and this will not be forgotten. With that said, it's been noted that you abuse admin a bit too much, given the power. I am aware that it's all about fun and games, but this could possibly throw people off about our server, and make them not want to come back. Keep that in mind in the future. Position in the new FTS: Level 3 Admin Edited Wed Jan 24 2007, 10:25PM |
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Wu-banga |
![]() ![]() Posts: 1561 |
Name: Damian Handle: [FT] Wu [F7L5] Time spent on FTS: 25 hours this yr Time spent with FT: Over a year Time in F7L5: A few months Were you an admin in the last FTS?: No sir Have you donated towards the new FTS?: Sadly I have not. Next year when I get a credit card I could, and I may make a Zombie server What level do you think you deserve?(1-4, God, Operator): Level 1 Reason why we should trust you: Before I took an extended break of 3 months, I was admin on Fish Tank Rotation for most of its glorious run Other info about you that you think we should know: I'm not the best surfer but I try my best and I hope to get better. I know the ground rules of surf, Kalibur helped me learn admin commands, though it has been awhile I still remember some. They are simple to learn and if I got admin position I could probably pick them up again. if you take my admin away I won't bitch and moan. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:6399042 17:42 72 0 active Nostie's Note: Ahh, finally a non-admin applying! Wu, you've been a very avid poster, and I respect you for this... You're not afraid to express your opinions, which is a plus (most of the time ;D) Thank you for your modest request of level of admin. One thing I'd like to see more of is YOU ON THE SERVER! Hop on more, so we can see more of you man! Position in the new FTS: Level 1 Admin Edited Wed Jan 24 2007, 10:26PM |
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Rusty |
FTS Server Op![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 2682 |
Name(yes, real name): Brian Handle: [FT]Rusty{F7L5} Time spent on FTS: I was number 3 most time last year, and almost 30 this (college shit) so I'd say over 400 combined Time spent with FT: almost two years on the servers Time in F7L5: somewhere in a year and a half to two years, somtime the first half of this year. (although it says I joined late on forums, we all know how much I liked typing back then, lol) Were you an admin in the last FTS?: Yea, got to lvl 3 I think Have you donated towards the new FTS?: Can't college loans, car payments. Otherwise I would What level do you think you deserve?(1-4, God, Operator): High, I'd say 4-god, but anything with perm ban, auto kick, slappage, and a little fun would do. Reason why we should trust you: Who have I lied to in the almsot two years I've been around? Except kevin, I told him we didn't need a condom because I was clean. SURPRISE, I have clamidia! Other: what is the point of this? I sure hope none of these nub admins on surf right now get it, or low enough and need to be "trained". Also hope you guys wouldn't let some random dickwad off the street be admin. STEAM_0:0:6105744 Nostie's Note: Hey Rusty. We've known each other for quite some time, and I of all people know you can be counted on. I havent noticed you breaking any rules, and abusing admin is almost a never with you. I'd like to see you on Surf more, though... Position in the new FTS: Level 4 Admin Edited Wed Jan 24 2007, 10:27PM |
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bleek |
#woo![]() ![]() Posts: 665 |
Name(yes, real name): Max Cool (robert) Handle: bleek Time spent on FTS: 3 years Time spent with FT: 2 years (wait clan? or overall on teh servers?) Time in F7L5: 2.5 years Were you an admin in the last FTS?: Yeh. Co-op Have you donated towards the new FTS?: Nope. What level do you think you deserve?(1-4, God, Operator): The levels go from 1-3 then god, nostie. Just fyi. And I don't care about the level as long as I have ban. Reason why we should trust you: Becouse I will fucking kill you! Other info about you that you think we should know: My penis is 7 inches when fully erect. Your Steam ID(you can find this on pstats): STEAM_0:1:6914265 P.S. Why are we doing this? Just transfer the old admins from Surf to the new one. Saves a bunch of trouble. Nostie's Note: well, first... levels don't have to go from 1-3, through FTP, ops can choose what commands are given to certain admins, and which are not, so any amount of levels is possible. That said, you've been a very trustworthy person, and I don't see you abuse ever. You've on the server to have fun, like anyone else, and you handle power very well. Thank you for your modest request on power. I'd like to see you on Surf more! Position in the new FTS: God Admin Bleek's Note: The way old surf is set up, the levels go from one to three, then god, and Server operator. I take it as an offense that you did not comment my member size, as it is, above average. It also should be notted that bleek is a frequant lube user, but is willing to go rough. Current Erection Status: Wood Edited Wed Jan 24 2007, 10:30PM |
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drunkirishmafia |
![]() ![]() Posts: 1543 |
Name(yes, real name): Ben Handle: [FT] Drunk Irish Mafia {F7L5} Time spent on FTS: march 06 Time spent with FT: couple months, Time in F7L5: 5 months about Were you an admin in the last FTS?: Yes Have you donated towards the new FTS?: Yes What level do you think you deserve?(1-4, God, Operator): God...kidding.. 2 or 3 Reason why we should trust you: i think im proven my maturity, dedication by im kinda the shit ![]() Other info about you that you think we should know: i got 1/2 an inch on bleek Your Steam ID(you can find this on pstats): STEAM_0:0:3665233 Nostie's Note: I agree that you've been a mature member of F7. It's taken a while for you to recieve admin on the current FTS, but you've handled you power well, I haven't seen you abuse. Thank you very much for your donation towards the new FTS. This will be taken into consideration when admin is handed out. Position in the new FTS: Level 2 Admin Edited Wed Jan 24 2007, 10:31PM |
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Kalibur |
![]() ![]() Posts: 578 |
Name(yes, real name): Kevin Handle: [FT] Kalibur Time spent on FTS: 78:28:57 + 30 or so from last year I think Time spent with FT: Since it started Time in F7L5: About 7 or 8 months Were you an admin in the last FTS?: Yes Have you donated towards the new FTS?: No, because I have to save my money for my truck That’s why I had shut my server done ![]() What level do you think you deserve? (1-4, God, Operator): Op… because I have been with FT since it started I’m a trusted admin on FTC and on the forums I have owned and oped my own server I know all the rules for FTC and FTS I know how to do everything with mani and RCON I also can set mani up on a server I know how to run and use HLSW and FTP I know what FTP and HLSW stands for and I think I should be op because I’m very qualified and experienced. Reason why we should trust you: Cause I have been with Ft for a long long time I have bought and ran a server with the FT name I’m a trusted admin on FTC and FTS I know every mani command and I know how to run RCON and how to set a CS:S server up I know how to surf and play CS:S I’m not in school and I have a job so I’m able to help run and op or admin FTS I make sure rules stay enforced and make sure the servers run smooth Other info about you that you think we should know: I have a dog named BINGO ![]() Your Steam ID(you can find this on pstats): STEAM_0:0:1701604 PS: Who ever came up with this idea Good Work!!! Nostie's Note: Thanks for the application Kevin. Though I agree you've spent a lot of time helping out FT, and you're a trusted admin on FTC, Op is a bit high to ask of me... I'll keep in mind what you wrote, and that you're well aware of how to run mani, HLSW, and -[link]- Position in the new FTS: Level 3 Admin Edited Wed Jan 24 2007, 10:34PM |
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Minipyro45 |
God![]() Posts: 80 |
Name(yes, real name): Steve Handle: Pyro Time spent on FTS: 46:42 Time spent with FT: Joined: Wed Dec 14 2005 Time in F7L5:Dunno Were you an admin in the last FTS: Yes Have you donated towards the new FTS?: Yes What level do you think you deserve?(1-4, God, Operator): 4ish maybe? Reason why we should trust you:Because I slept with Nostie Other info about you that you think we should know: I like fire Your Steam ID(you can find this on pstats):# 216 "|H-H-C| Pyro {F7L5}" STEAM_0:0:9407728 18:28 66 0 active Nostie's Note: Thanks for the application. I wasn't even aware that you were an admin on the current FTS, so that's news... (well it certainly means you haven't abused your power ![]() Position in the new FTS: Level 2 Admin Yeah, I had admin before my comp got fucked up and it was gone when I finally got the computer problem taken care of a month later, it was gone. I got it back after about 2 weeks, then it disappeared again and nobody knew how or why. o.O Edited Wed Jan 24 2007, 10:35PM |
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Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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