Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
View all posts (680)
How to convert your admin list in Mani Admin 1.2 beta
This was made by DarkNarf
A small tutorial on converting mani admin plugin from 1.1 to 1.2beta.
Upgrading to Mani Admin Plugin 1.2
This guide is aimed at users who have Mani Admin Plugin. If you have mani admin 1.x, and are upgrading to mani admin plugin 1.2, this guide is for you. Mani Admin Plugin uses a different format for most of the files in version 1.2, so you will need to convert them to be readable by Mani. This tutorial focuses on adminlist.txt admingroups.txt and admincfg.cfg - what to do with them, and how to convert them to be compatible with Mani Admin Plugin version 1.2.
First take your adminlist.txt from your 1.1 version of mani. (i suggest you keep a backup of this before you start editing it for player name reference, steam id reference, and admin lvl reference.
Second Open the file and remove any groups you have assigned to any admin.
steam:0:0:999999 lvl 1 admin (wrong)
steam0:0:9999999 (correct)
Ok now that none of your admins have groups we hafta upload the adminlist.txt to your cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin folder, making sure that you have DELETED clients.txt, adminlist.txt, adminlist.txt.ol, admingroups.txt.old as to not cause any conflicts.
Ok now that you've uploaded your adminlist.txt you need to change the map to load the adminlist.txt so mani can convert it to clients.txt
After a mapchange you'll notice if you type ma_client status it will list all the clients(admin) on your server.
Since there are no groups mani makes all of them unrestricted admins, we hafta fix that.
Next create a file called admincfg.cfg. And keep it handy. This is the file we're gunna use to set everyones access levels. but for now put it aside.
Next go back to your " reference adminlist and admingroups"
take all the steam id's in adminlist and arrange them like so into your admincfg.cfg file you made earlier.
ma_client setaflag target subcommand
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5140631" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:5302781" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:1060431" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:1390535" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:4676873" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5622445" -#
we're using steam id's as the target b/c its easier than the converted client_1, client_2, client_3, and so on.
You can rename the clients. But after you do they break. so don't.
the -# on the end is us telling mani to remove all the flags from that steam id. so now nobody has access to nothing after this command is ran in our admincfg.cfg file we're building.
After you have written out all the steamid's in your list like the above, we need to move on to making admin groups.
This part is a lil painstaking. But this version of mani is broken in so many ways. It has taken me nearly 2 days trying to figure out setting up admin groups, so i gave up, and just set everyones flags one by one.. but its not as hard as it sounds.
make up your groups you want in a seperate file. in this format. remember these flags are commands that your admins will be able to run. your not restricting, but giving access to commands.
be sure there is ONE double quote infront of the list of flags for each lvl like below. if you close the quote on the end mani will look at you like your stupid. All groups have to have +admin or that group won't have admin etc.
"+k +b +admin
"+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +admin
(notice i didn't close the quotes)
remember those are examples and aren't usable groups lol , they are just to show what yours should look like before we start adding them to your admincfg.cfg
yay we're almost done!! ;D
now. add all your steamid's again to your admincfg.cfg so they your config now looks something like this. I just copied all my ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5140631" -# and just edited from there.
ma_client setaflag target subcommand
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5140631" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:5302781" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:1060431" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:1390535" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:4676873" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5622445" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:6515864" "+k +r +q +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +f +d +g +j +v +V +Q +C +A +D +E +F +G +H +I +J +K +M +O +T +U +W +Y +Z +admin +pban +spray +grav
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:6623593" "+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +I +K +O +T +U +X +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:6195337" "+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +I +K +O +T +U +X +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:6061473" "+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +I +K +O +T +U +X +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:8818226" "+k +r +q +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +f +d +g +j +v +V +Q +C +A +D +E +F +G +H +I +J +K +M +O +T +U +W +Y +Z +admin +pban +spray +grav
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:8052271" "+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +I +K +O +T +U +X +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5321864" "+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +I +K +O +T +U +X +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:12021124" "+k +e +m +s +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +I +O +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:8405942" "+k +e +m +s +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +I +O +Y +admin
(note you hafta -# all id's in this file you plan to manipulate so mani doesn't stack flags)
after adding all your admins to groups you can now upload your admincfg.cfg to your servers cstrike/cfg directory.
once you've done that you can type exec admincfg.cfg into your favorite remote console program. or from rcon if you didn't insert your steam id into the admincfg.cfg.
Now all your admins have correct access to the appropriate area's of mani.
A small tutorial on converting mani admin plugin from 1.1 to 1.2beta.
Upgrading to Mani Admin Plugin 1.2
This guide is aimed at users who have Mani Admin Plugin. If you have mani admin 1.x, and are upgrading to mani admin plugin 1.2, this guide is for you. Mani Admin Plugin uses a different format for most of the files in version 1.2, so you will need to convert them to be readable by Mani. This tutorial focuses on adminlist.txt admingroups.txt and admincfg.cfg - what to do with them, and how to convert them to be compatible with Mani Admin Plugin version 1.2.
First take your adminlist.txt from your 1.1 version of mani. (i suggest you keep a backup of this before you start editing it for player name reference, steam id reference, and admin lvl reference.
Second Open the file and remove any groups you have assigned to any admin.
steam:0:0:999999 lvl 1 admin (wrong)
steam0:0:9999999 (correct)
Ok now that none of your admins have groups we hafta upload the adminlist.txt to your cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin folder, making sure that you have DELETED clients.txt, adminlist.txt, adminlist.txt.ol, admingroups.txt.old as to not cause any conflicts.
Ok now that you've uploaded your adminlist.txt you need to change the map to load the adminlist.txt so mani can convert it to clients.txt
After a mapchange you'll notice if you type ma_client status it will list all the clients(admin) on your server.
Since there are no groups mani makes all of them unrestricted admins, we hafta fix that.
Next create a file called admincfg.cfg. And keep it handy. This is the file we're gunna use to set everyones access levels. but for now put it aside.
Next go back to your " reference adminlist and admingroups"
take all the steam id's in adminlist and arrange them like so into your admincfg.cfg file you made earlier.
ma_client setaflag target subcommand
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5140631" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:5302781" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:1060431" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:1390535" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:4676873" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5622445" -#
we're using steam id's as the target b/c its easier than the converted client_1, client_2, client_3, and so on.
You can rename the clients. But after you do they break. so don't.
the -# on the end is us telling mani to remove all the flags from that steam id. so now nobody has access to nothing after this command is ran in our admincfg.cfg file we're building.
After you have written out all the steamid's in your list like the above, we need to move on to making admin groups.
This part is a lil painstaking. But this version of mani is broken in so many ways. It has taken me nearly 2 days trying to figure out setting up admin groups, so i gave up, and just set everyones flags one by one.. but its not as hard as it sounds.
make up your groups you want in a seperate file. in this format. remember these flags are commands that your admins will be able to run. your not restricting, but giving access to commands.
be sure there is ONE double quote infront of the list of flags for each lvl like below. if you close the quote on the end mani will look at you like your stupid. All groups have to have +admin or that group won't have admin etc.
"+k +b +admin
"+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +admin
(notice i didn't close the quotes)
remember those are examples and aren't usable groups lol , they are just to show what yours should look like before we start adding them to your admincfg.cfg
yay we're almost done!! ;D
now. add all your steamid's again to your admincfg.cfg so they your config now looks something like this. I just copied all my ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5140631" -# and just edited from there.
ma_client setaflag target subcommand
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5140631" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:5302781" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:1060431" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:1390535" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:4676873" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5622445" -#
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:6515864" "+k +r +q +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +f +d +g +j +v +V +Q +C +A +D +E +F +G +H +I +J +K +M +O +T +U +W +Y +Z +admin +pban +spray +grav
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:6623593" "+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +I +K +O +T +U +X +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:6195337" "+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +I +K +O +T +U +X +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:6061473" "+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +I +K +O +T +U +X +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:8818226" "+k +r +q +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +f +d +g +j +v +V +Q +C +A +D +E +F +G +H +I +J +K +M +O +T +U +W +Y +Z +admin +pban +spray +grav
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:8052271" "+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +I +K +O +T +U +X +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:1:5321864" "+k +e +m +b +s +o +a +c +p +w +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +F +I +K +O +T +U +X +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:12021124" "+k +e +m +s +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +I +O +Y +admin
ma_client setaflag "STEAM_0:0:8405942" "+k +e +m +s +i +l +d +g +j +v +V +I +O +Y +admin
(note you hafta -# all id's in this file you plan to manipulate so mani doesn't stack flags)
after adding all your admins to groups you can now upload your admincfg.cfg to your servers cstrike/cfg directory.
once you've done that you can type exec admincfg.cfg into your favorite remote console program. or from rcon if you didn't insert your steam id into the admincfg.cfg.
Now all your admins have correct access to the appropriate area's of mani.
Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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